Sunday, December 30, 2012

Preliminaries 04

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NOTES: Due to having shoulder surgery, the following was written using a Livescribe Echo Smartpen, and editted with one hand and painkillers :D so it's not perfect, but I've already warned you lovely people that I'm writing for fun.  If I were to get these compiled and (likely self-) published, these would be cleaned up and holes between chapters filled better.  Thanks for reading always!

Preliminaries 04

The name left on that napkin meant very little to Nalia. The warning to avoid everyone with the last name DeCleric was bizarre in itself. How in the world would she find Macrae DeCleric if she couldn't speak to his family? It seemed like a wild goose chase, considering.  Instead of stressing it right then, Nalia decided to take Dennick Sharpe's other advice: get someone who knew "all sides" of her to come to Desai. Her first choice had been Hammond Shuu. However, he was so busy with his new art gallery, he wouldn't be available for some time. The warning to get someone who knew Nalia--all of Nalia--to help her search wasn't lost on her. So a call was made to her world. It would take a day, which Nalia would need. Red's sentencing was the day after her "dinner date", and she was awfully interested in seeing how that was going to go. She had no official role unless Thomas Frenz called on her, but she could be there to watch. She heard Desai criminal proceedings were interesting. Desai judges apparently encouraged media circuses.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Preliminaries (series) 003

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“Is there anything else I can bring you two?” their peppy waitress asked as she bounced in place.

Nalia Inez looked over at the man who asked her out to that small restaurant.  When he didn’t answer, she furrowed her brow for a second, before offering a smile to the girl, no older than nineteen.  “No, thank you,” she said.  “We’ll wave for you if we need anything.”

“You got it!”

The waitress spirited off, leaving Nalia to look at Dennick Sharpe with scrutinizing eyes.  “Are you naturally that rude?” she asked.

“Pretty much,” Dennick replied passively, not at all apologetic.  He had yet to touch his food, looking more than ready to dive right in to the real reason he dragged Nalia out of her hotel room with no warning.  She sighed and waved her fork-holding hand at him and he didn’t skip a beat.  He leaned in, fingers of his hands lacing together in front of his face.  “You really need to get out of here first chance you get.”

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Garretsville Crimes - Chapter Three

Note:  As I’ve said, I decided to set this story in a place that I know.  Garretsville isn’t an exact mirror to my current town of residence, but it’s damn close in population and types of people.  For example, the butcher mentioned in the front of the chapter.  I don’t believe our butcher actually runs a shop (storefront), but he does do exactly as described otherwise.  I kind of feel it necessary to emphasize this since, before living here, I would’ve thought what a lot of people do: that people in towns like this are brutal like the big corporate farms.  Now, granted, we have our problem people, but we’ll get to those people too.  Man, this is cathartic!

Also, I had intended for this chapter to be much longer and actually complete the storyline in this chapter alone.  However, before I could do this, I had a situation with a donkey and his kicking me around for half an hour, and so I'll have to conclude this next week.  :(

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Garretsville Crimes: Chapter 2

I may start considering posting a little more frequently.  We'll see!

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Garretsville Crimes - UnAutopsy Reports

Kind of like having a merry happy unbirthday, only with the same amount of death by a slightly increased amount of bleeding.

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AUTOPSY REPORT autopsy was not performed – form filed based on actual events
DATE and HOUR AUTOPSY WAS PERFORMED:  May 28th, 2011; autopsy was not performed

Performed and Evaluated By: Michael Hays, M.D.
Assistant:   Monica Dupree, M.D.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Garretsville Crimes - Chapter One

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The following story is one that is slow in the making, but one that I'm taking an entirely different approach with when it comes to... everything, really.  I'm trying to write in an area I know for scenes: small farming community.  I've lived in and been to big cities, but I would have to say that where I live now has the most impact when it comes to what it looks like, the people, whatnot.

The world you see here is very much like yours and mine, but doing worry: the world you've seen in prior shots is still very relevant, even for this story!  If I have my way with it, you'll one day get what's going on.

Also, I'm not a doctor and have done as much research as I can for what this story will have.  So keep that in mind if you are vastly more intelligent than me (and you probably are).  :* :*

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I am horrible.

One thing that really sucks about my brain process is that I have a lot of things, I know what it is that happens, but they evolve to become more solid over time.  If they aren't solidifying, the idea I have about executing them changes.  So, I'm thankful that I at least had the foresight to not post a whole ton of things before getting to this point.

Sadly, this is internet retcon number two.  I'm actually going to do the next attempt in a format that conforms to my repeatedly shifting mood.  I believe with the proper set up, you can do anything.  Besides, if I get an actual readership, it might give them something to do.

The idea I have--and keep in mind, this is hardly perfect--is to have "someone" (I know who) catalog the stories of the world Desai resides in.  There are so many characters, but they all have their own stories that sometimes intersect and sometimes do not.

My next post will actually be a statistics post on the size/population/etc of Desai, along with a written geography.  Written because I cannot draw for anything, and don't have a decent scanner besides.

I may be performing the chapter posts slightly different in light of the prospect of self-publishing (only because I just am terrified of going after agents).  I figure if I can get a readership on here, that'll do.

Okay, I'll stop rambling now!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Preliminaries (series) - 002

Red would be passed over to MDEA in the morning.  Before that, he would be staying in a place called the Starscape Hotel & Casino Resort.  It was a glitzy, glamorous, and huge place of business.  The pride of Center-City, the Starscape was the busiest region in all of Desai.  Nalia hadn’t seen anything of that size since her home planet, which had more than enough room to expand.  Desai seemed so small, but they made excellent use of their resources.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Preliminaries (series) - 001

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Extradition: Party of 50

By:  Dillon Maynard

The Delta Class man, known only as Red, has terrorized Desai and several worlds beyond with his sociopathy for over two decades.  Capture was looking grim, until he made the mistake of crossing into Earth-52C*.

What makes this dimension of Earth so unique is that its Travel Agency Hub is placed in the middle of a Delta-Epsilon class hotspot. Considered superheroes in that dimension, Red finally met members of his own class that were motivated enough to end his long killing spree.  Finally apprehended in Artania, Colorado in the United States of America, all of it can be credited to Naty Inanna.

Not much is known about the Delta Naty Inanna, aside that she comes from a planet called Afiramen.  She definitely doesn't look human, but witnesses and fans credit to her a haunting type of beauty that throws unsuspecting parties when she reveals the power behind it.

The final battle ended with five city blocks laying in ruin, but with no casualties and with Red finally subdued.  MDEA has equipped fifteen Center-City police officers with the proper technology to escort Red home.  Artania Police Department will be sending officers and detectives of their own, along with the Artania District Attorney, who will be allowed to represent the prosecution's case as Red's biggest atrocities were committed on Earth-52C*.

Naty Inanna was unavailable for comment.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Introducing the project of this blog.

Edit Process:
Posted on February 2nd, 2012
Edit on February 11th, 2012 because I have whims