Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Garretsville Crimes - UnAutopsy Reports

Kind of like having a merry happy unbirthday, only with the same amount of death by a slightly increased amount of bleeding.

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AUTOPSY REPORT autopsy was not performed – form filed based on actual events
DATE and HOUR AUTOPSY WAS PERFORMED:  May 28th, 2011; autopsy was not performed

Performed and Evaluated By: Michael Hays, M.D.
Assistant:   Monica Dupree, M.D.

Notes:  By order of Sheriff John Mason, an autopsy report is being made for records.  Victims survived the damaged described within, but the chance of them recovering fully from their injuries is slim.  Through my analysis of the crime scene in which we believed the victims were fully deceased, due to no presence of active vital signs, and pictures taken of their bodies when they came to, I am able to construct an analysis.  Because of the unique circumstances, my analysis will be filled with hypothesis I cannot fully prove, due to not having access to the victims after their admittance to Grand Mercy Hospital.

NAME: RICHARDS, Robert aka Bobby (Victim #2)
DATE of BIRTH: March 21, 2001
AGE:  10
RACE: Caucasian
SEX: Male
DATE of DEATH: n/a
BODY IDENTIFIED BY: Bobby Richards upon regained consciousness
CASE #: 2011-000-264
INVESTIGATIVE AGENCY: Garretsville Sheriff’s Department

EVIDENCE of TREATMENT:  Currently at Grand Mercy Hospital, undergoing reconstructive surgery.


The victim could not be brought in for autopsy.  The following assessments have been made after holding personal witness at the scene of the crime, and through pictures taken by emergency medical personnel and doctors and brought to me for examination and theory.

Victim is 10 years of age.  Victim is 4 feet, 2 inches tall, and 68.99 pounds in weight.

At the scene of the crime:  The victim was wearing a green t-shirt and black jean pants, along with black tennis shoes.  His book bag had been discarded further down the street.  He and the other victim (identified as Victim #1 before identification) had been left in a position that appeared to be rushed, intending them for disposal.  Richards (Victim #2 until identification) was found under Victim #1.

Richards’s torso was significantly lacerated and pulled apart, starting nearby the inguinal canal and ending at the thoracic diaphragm.  Entry point of a blade is visible upon analysis of video and photographs taken at the scene and at the hospital.  The skin after this cut appeared to have been torn away by significant force.  The tools used were blunt enough to create stretching of flesh and wide but dull tears in the skin.

The internal organs of the victim were found to be cascading from the wide injuries to the ground.  Defensive wounds along the arms suggested victim fought prior to injuries seen at the dump sight.  The injuries that opened Victim #2 matched that of Victim #1.

The victim lacked vital signs taken by three waves of responding emergency personnel.  However, when preliminary medical examination began, a Garretsville Deputy activated a flood light to assist with evidence collection.  At this point, it was discovered that Richards’s eyes were responding to the introduction of light via dilation and constriction of the irises.

Emergency Service Personnel were called to the scene for both victims (Victim #1 explained later in this folder).


Refer to Grand Mercy Hospital medical records on victim.

Refer to Garretsville Sheriff’s Department incident reports and Grand Mercy Hospital medical records on victim.

TIME of DEATH: N/A, although victim showed early signs of rigor mortis, but no signs of livor mortis.  Original estimation was 3 – 4 hours since time of death, until victim began to respond.

IMMEDIATE CAUSE of DEATH:  N/A, although due to victim’s age and amount of damage, initial theories combined trauma with bloodloss.

MANNER of DEATH:  Had death been the ultimate conclusion of case, the Garretsville City Medical Examiner's Office would have ruled this a homicide.

OPINION:  Based on review of initial medical reports from responding emergency medical personnel and surgeons, wherein there are details of significant damage to internal organs (lower gastrointestinal tract; kidneys; pancreas) and absence of the same (liver; gallbladder), I believe that this was an effort of group led homicide.  The damage appeared systematic, and the removal of those organs suspicious in that it matched the organs removed from Victim #1.

The damage that is visible in the photographs leads me to believe this may be a group of 2-6 individuals.  These individuals are likely all or primarily are male, white, between the ages of 20-30 years of age.  I believe they are practicing cannibalism as lacerations dealt to various internal organs, according to these pictures, I am able to match to forensic research done on this subject.

//Michael Hays, M.D.
Garretsville City Medical Examiner and Crime Scene Investigation Unit
May 29th, 2011

AUTOPSY REPORT autopsy was not performed – form filed based on actual events
DATE and HOUR AUTOPSY WAS PERFORMED: May 28th, 2011; autopsy was not performed

Performed and Evaluated By: Michael Hays, M.D.
Assistant:   Monica Dupree, M.D.

Notes:  By order of Sheriff John Mason, an autopsy report is being made for records.  Victims survived the damaged described within, but the chance of them recovering fully from their injuries is slim.  Through my analysis of the crime scene in which we believed the victims were fully deceased, due to no presence of active vital signs, and pictures taken of their bodies when they came to, I am able to construct an analysis.  Because of the unique circumstances, my analysis will be filled with hypothesis I cannot fully prove, due to not having access to the victims after their admittance to Grand Mercy Hospital.

NAME: CARMICHELE, Sandra aka Sandy (Victim #1)
DATE of BIRTH: May 25, 2002
AGE:  9
RACE: Caucasian
SEX: Female
DATE of DEATH: n/a
BODY IDENTIFIED BY: Bobby Richards (Victim #2) upon regained consciousness
CASE #: 2011-000-263
INVESTIGATIVE AGENCY: Garretsville Sheriff’s Department

EVIDENCE of TREATMENT:  Currently at Grand Mercy Hospital, undergoing reconstructive surgery.


The victim could not be brought in for autopsy.  The following assessments have been made after holding personal witness at the scene of the crime, and through pictures taken by emergency medical personnel and doctors and brought to me for examination and theory.

Victim is 9 years of age.  Victim is 3 feet, 9 inches tall, and 57.28 pounds in weight.

At the scene of the crime:  The victim was wearing a yellow blouse and white jacket.  She was wearing blue jean pants and yellow tennis shoes.  She wore a charm bracelet on her left wrist that remained undisturbed and pink-stone stud earrings, which were also intact. Her book bag had been discarded further down the street alongside Victim #2. She and the other victim (identified as Victim #2 before identification) had been left in a position that appeared to be rushed, intending them for disposal.  Carmichele (Victim #1 until identification) was found, placed atop Victim #2.

Carmichele’s torso was significantly lacerated and pulled apart, starting nearby the inguinal canal and ending at the thoracic diaphragm.  Entry point of a blade is visible upon analysis of video and photographs taken at the scene and at the hospital.  The skin after this cut appeared to have been torn away by significant force.  The tools used were blunt enough to create stretching of flesh and wide but dull tears in the skin.

The internal organs of the victim were found to be cascading from the wide injuries to the ground, some of which had landed atop Victim #2 under her.  Defensive wounds along the arms suggested victim fought prior to injuries seen at the dump sight.  The injuries that opened Victim #1 matched that of Victim #2.

The victim lacked vital signs taken by three waves of responding emergency personnel.  However, when preliminary medical examination began, a Garretsville Deputy activated a flood light to assist with evidence collection.  At this point, it was discovered that Victim #2’s eyes were responding to the introduction of light via dilation and constriction of the irises.

Emergency Service Personnel were called to the scene for both Victim #2.  However, while crime scene responders waited with Victim #2, Carmichele began to come around to consciousness as well, so Emergency Services were advised they would be tending to both.


Refer to Grand Mercy Hospital medical records on victim.

Refer to Garretsville Sheriff’s Department incident reports and Grand Mercy Hospital medical records on victim.

TIME of DEATH: N/A, although victim showed early signs of rigor mortis, but no signs of livor mortis.  Original estimation was 3 – 4 hours since time of death, until victim began to respond.

IMMEDIATE CAUSE of DEATH:  N/A, although due to victim’s age and amount of damage, initial theories combined trauma with bloodloss.

MANNER of DEATH:  Had death been the ultimate conclusion of case, the Garretsville City Medical Examiner's Office would have ruled this a homicide.

OPINION:  Based on review of initial medical reports from responding emergency medical personnel and surgeons, wherein there are details of significant damage to internal organs (lower gastrointestinal tract; kidneys; pancreas) and absence of the same (liver; gallbladder), I believe that this was an effort of group led homicide.  The damage appeared systematic, and the removal of those organs suspicious in that it matched the organs removed from Victim #2.

The damage that is visible in the photographs leads me to believe this may be a group of 2-6 individuals.  These individuals are likely all or primarily are male, white, between the ages of 20-30 years of age.  I believe they are practicing cannibalism as lacerations dealt to various internal organs, according to these pictures, I am able to match to forensic research done on this subject.

//Michael Hays, M.D.
Garretsville City Medical Examiner and Crime Scene Investigation Unit
May 29th, 2011

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