Sunday, February 5, 2012

Introducing the project of this blog.

Edit Process:
Posted on February 2nd, 2012
Edit on February 11th, 2012 because I have whims

The City of Desai is about forcing characters who are larger than life in their own right to face each other.  It is about every character introduced having his or her own story.  These are the citizens and people affected by the existence of Desai and the Multi-Dimensional Exploration Agency (MDEA).

What happens when a paranormal anomaly causes dimensional rifts across a populated land?  More important: what happens when the people of that land learn to control it?

MDEA's technology came from a history of sometimes brutal trial and error.  They have come a long way since then.  They have carefully catalogued worlds upon worlds, hundreds--if not thousands--of species and races.  They have perfected their processes and handle everything that is thrown their way with a perfection not yet matched.

Really, Desai is a pet project of mine.  And its story goes far beyond just Desai itself.  It has a history, and it has a future, spanning outright centuries.  The concepts with Desai, such as the trans-dimensional travel, is a passing era.  It wasn't there in the beginning, and as the years roll on, it won't be there in the future.  But it's here now, and this is what it's all about.

These chapters will bounce around.  I won't pretend that I'm sitting here writing out a timeline to follow so that it makes linear sense.  Part of this is actually deliberate: I want to show how busy Desai is at any given time on an individual character level.  While one character is having dinner, another is fighting for their life, and all the while another is having a meeting debating the outcome of a large corporate merger from their world to a Desai corporation.

I am not an expert at writing.  There will be grammar-fail and spell-fail all over the place, I'm sure.  There will likely be a lot of fact-fail too.  This project is for fun and, I hope, perhaps the enjoyment of others.  I don't really have betas, so the fail you see is straight from the source, baby.  Oooh yeah.

There will be pseudoscience and there will be BSing.  I do research!  But sometimes the story itself is more important to me than details.  Again, it's just for fun.

In conclusion, I hope you enjoy this maniacally written series.  Please be gentle, for I am a fragile soul and a considerably special snowflake.  You're welcome to ask questions at

All the best,

EDIT:  I will sometimes throw something else completely random in here.  This is only because I really have no commitments to anythin and go where my brain decides it needs to go, lmao.  I swear, I do have the ability to be cohesive, I just don't see a point on a blog where it is all word vomit.

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