Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Garretsville Crimes - Chapter Three

Note:  As I’ve said, I decided to set this story in a place that I know.  Garretsville isn’t an exact mirror to my current town of residence, but it’s damn close in population and types of people.  For example, the butcher mentioned in the front of the chapter.  I don’t believe our butcher actually runs a shop (storefront), but he does do exactly as described otherwise.  I kind of feel it necessary to emphasize this since, before living here, I would’ve thought what a lot of people do: that people in towns like this are brutal like the big corporate farms.  Now, granted, we have our problem people, but we’ll get to those people too.  Man, this is cathartic!

Also, I had intended for this chapter to be much longer and actually complete the storyline in this chapter alone.  However, before I could do this, I had a situation with a donkey and his kicking me around for half an hour, and so I'll have to conclude this next week.  :(

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Garretsville Crimes: Chapter 2

I may start considering posting a little more frequently.  We'll see!

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Garretsville Crimes - UnAutopsy Reports

Kind of like having a merry happy unbirthday, only with the same amount of death by a slightly increased amount of bleeding.

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AUTOPSY REPORT autopsy was not performed – form filed based on actual events
DATE and HOUR AUTOPSY WAS PERFORMED:  May 28th, 2011; autopsy was not performed

Performed and Evaluated By: Michael Hays, M.D.
Assistant:   Monica Dupree, M.D.