Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Garretsville Crimes - Chapter One

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The following story is one that is slow in the making, but one that I'm taking an entirely different approach with when it comes to... everything, really.  I'm trying to write in an area I know for scenes: small farming community.  I've lived in and been to big cities, but I would have to say that where I live now has the most impact when it comes to what it looks like, the people, whatnot.

The world you see here is very much like yours and mine, but doing worry: the world you've seen in prior shots is still very relevant, even for this story!  If I have my way with it, you'll one day get what's going on.

Also, I'm not a doctor and have done as much research as I can for what this story will have.  So keep that in mind if you are vastly more intelligent than me (and you probably are).  :* :*