Sunday, December 30, 2012

Preliminaries 04

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NOTES: Due to having shoulder surgery, the following was written using a Livescribe Echo Smartpen, and editted with one hand and painkillers :D so it's not perfect, but I've already warned you lovely people that I'm writing for fun.  If I were to get these compiled and (likely self-) published, these would be cleaned up and holes between chapters filled better.  Thanks for reading always!

Preliminaries 04

The name left on that napkin meant very little to Nalia. The warning to avoid everyone with the last name DeCleric was bizarre in itself. How in the world would she find Macrae DeCleric if she couldn't speak to his family? It seemed like a wild goose chase, considering.  Instead of stressing it right then, Nalia decided to take Dennick Sharpe's other advice: get someone who knew "all sides" of her to come to Desai. Her first choice had been Hammond Shuu. However, he was so busy with his new art gallery, he wouldn't be available for some time. The warning to get someone who knew Nalia--all of Nalia--to help her search wasn't lost on her. So a call was made to her world. It would take a day, which Nalia would need. Red's sentencing was the day after her "dinner date", and she was awfully interested in seeing how that was going to go. She had no official role unless Thomas Frenz called on her, but she could be there to watch. She heard Desai criminal proceedings were interesting. Desai judges apparently encouraged media circuses.