Saturday, August 18, 2012

I am horrible.

One thing that really sucks about my brain process is that I have a lot of things, I know what it is that happens, but they evolve to become more solid over time.  If they aren't solidifying, the idea I have about executing them changes.  So, I'm thankful that I at least had the foresight to not post a whole ton of things before getting to this point.

Sadly, this is internet retcon number two.  I'm actually going to do the next attempt in a format that conforms to my repeatedly shifting mood.  I believe with the proper set up, you can do anything.  Besides, if I get an actual readership, it might give them something to do.

The idea I have--and keep in mind, this is hardly perfect--is to have "someone" (I know who) catalog the stories of the world Desai resides in.  There are so many characters, but they all have their own stories that sometimes intersect and sometimes do not.

My next post will actually be a statistics post on the size/population/etc of Desai, along with a written geography.  Written because I cannot draw for anything, and don't have a decent scanner besides.

I may be performing the chapter posts slightly different in light of the prospect of self-publishing (only because I just am terrified of going after agents).  I figure if I can get a readership on here, that'll do.

Okay, I'll stop rambling now!